Enrichment Activities Unit

Enrichment Activities Unit aims to be a one-stop centre of choice for children and youths on the autism spectrum to learn and socialize through fun and enjoyable experiences outside school hours. The programme offers sports and non-sports enrichment activities for holistic experiences that keep participants meaningfully engaged.

Conducted in safe and autism-friendly environments by qualified instructors, these programmes are popular with both children and youths.

The programmes are open to Pathlight School students and their siblings as well as children of ARC members between the ages of 6 and 21.

at a glance...


Training Seats Offered

FY2021/2022 Highlights

  • Due to Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, activities were scaled down in size and conducted in small groups.
  • Activities were either held online via zoom platforms or face-to-face in small groups.
  • Amidst easing of measures, the Enrichment unit conducted three groups of Sports and Fun camp which saw 144 participants during the March holidays.
Zoom Activities